Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Club Penguin Pay Day

Did you get your paychecks today? Its payday!

Yeah, got my paychecks!

- Xoro999, Club Penguin Cheats Squad

Monday, October 31, 2011

Club Penguin Revamps "Ignore" Friends Feature

Club Penguin brought some huge updates to the way we connect online. But they've also made some not-so easily seen updates. One of these updates are the updates they've brought to the ignore your friends function.

You will now be able to completely hide the penguins who you do not want to connect with from your play-screen!

Its that easy.

Follow Xoro999 on Twitter for exclusive Club Penguin updates!

- Xoro999, Club Penguin Cheats

Club Penguin Friend's List Limited to 100 Friends

Club Penguin has been really busy with the "end-of-the-year" updates they're bringing on to the world. So they've faced some really lousy bugs.

Since they need time to squish these bugs, they've re-limited the Friend's List limit to 100 again.

Club Penguin says that the Friends list would be back to normal some time next week.

- Xoro999, Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Club Penguin EPF Director's Identity: REVEALED!

We all thought that Club Penguin would never reveal the identity of the Director. But wow, look at what we have here.

This is just a theory. Type in 'Aunt Arctic is the' and the next word would automatically be "Director".

You may think, "Wow, that would even work for Gary or Rockhopper". It doesn't.

This is another addition to the clues that Club Penguin leaves us to suggest that Aunt Arctic is the EPF's Director!

- Xoro999, Club Penguin Cheats

Upcoming Club Penguin November Features!

Here are some upcoming stuff for November on Club Penguin! Make sure you look out for these once they're here!

They sure are trying to hype us up about the purported released of Card Jitsu Ice/Snow, dontcha think?

- Xoro999, Club Penguin Cheats

Changes to Club Penguin's Friends List!

Check this out!

Club Penguin's new chat features! Cool, aren't they?

- Xoro999, Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Club Penguin Music Jam 2011: Free Items, and Cheats!

Yeah! Club Penguin's Music Jam for 2011 is finally here!

The first thing that you may want to do is find the (members only) All-Access Pass. You can do this at the Snow Forts, Ice berg, or Ski Village.

With the All-Access pass, you will be able to go to members only rooms. So even if you're a member, you can not go to those rooms without an All-Access Pass!

There are pretty awesome free items too. To get the first free item, the Music Swirl Tee do this:

1. Go to the dock and go to the backstage.
2. Click on the box of t-shirts.

Note: to get to the backstage, you must have an All-Access Pass!

The next free item is kinda old. So here is how you find the Boombox:

1. Go to the Night Club and go to the Roof.
2. Click on the box of Boomboxes:

Note: Like I said before, you will need an All Access pass to get to the roof)

Here is a free item for non-members too!

1. Go to the Cove.
2. Click on the box of caps.

There are more cool items around the Snow Forts, Ice berg, and Ski Village. Check them out:

There are two members only rooms to which members can go to with an All-Access pass!

Here is the backstage:

Here is the Night Club roof:

Here is the Casa Fiesta (WHICH IS ALSO FOR NON-MEMBERS):

And the special feature of the party? THE PENGUIN BAND! OH YEAH!

They perform on a special platform that magically appears on the water! I'm
serious -.-


The Penguin Band, and Cadence will be arriving at the party! Check out my awesome and accurate Cadence and Penguin Band trackers for 2011's Music Jam Party on Club Penguin!

Penguin Band Tracker

By using my trackers, you'll be able to earn a lot of stamps by meeting both the whole penguin band and Cadence!

Do you want to meet the Penguin Band? Click here for our AMAZING Penguin Band Tracker!

- Xoro999, Author of the Club Penguin Cheats Squad.

Follow Xoro999 on Twitter

Three New Club Penguin Games In Beta!

Check out those amazing games that Club Penguin is working on. One of them is Snow Cone where you can make amazing Snow Cones of any color that you like.

Next we have photo puzzle where I don't really get what happens, maybe its a bug or a glitch? Anyway, I bet Club Penguin is fixing it right now.

At the end of the day, I have to say that Pizza Oven was the only game that was fun. Do you want to play these games and be a Club Penguin Beta Tester? Click here!

I hope Club Penguin begins adding this to the island soon. What do you think of these games?

Do you want to meet the Penguin Band? Click here for our AMAZING Penguin Band Tracker!

- Xoro999, Author of the Club Penguin Cheats Squad.

Follow Xoro999 on Twitter

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