Club Penguin Squad. Three, funny looking words, that turned out to be a website that now gets over 5,000 views per day. It took us hard work, patience, and a lot of other things to get here. Club Penguin Squad is a family team. Yes. Me, my brothers and sisters made a Club Penguin fan site, and left me in charge. They stayed behind, and helped me all the way! So thats why, I thought I'd call us the 'Club Penguin Squad'. We're a team, and we work together. We're going to keep posting all right. We'll continue helping everyone. For a LONG long time.
-Xoro999, and the Club Penguin Squad.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A bit more about us?
By Xoro999 at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, club penguin squad
Monday, August 6, 2007
Club Penguin Guide: How to be a Tour Guide
Have you ever wondered about how you can be a tour guide? This guide, will give you some awesome secrets to the tour guide quiz! Just follow our lead ;-]
Here are the complete instructions to 'How to be a tour guide on Club Penguin'.
1. Go to the Ski Village, click on the tour stand.
2. Click on the 'Would you like to be a tour guide yourself? Click here for more details' area.
3. Now click on 'Take the Quiz'
This part is quite hard. You must get seven out of eight questions right, with a correct answer. So, even if you answer six correct, you'll need to take the quiz again!
We've all taken the quiz, and we all made a list of questions that the 6 of us faced. (Don't ask us how long this took) LOL!
Question: How many Sled racing tracks are there?
Answer: 4
Question: In what room can you find old copies of the Club Penguin Times?
Answer: Boiler Room
Question: How do you get a pin?
Answer: Click on it.
Question: How does the pink puffle play?
Answer: Skips with the skipping rope.
Question: Which color of puffle can catch on fire?
Answer: Black puffle.
Question: Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Answer: Ski Lodge.
Question: What is the name of Captain Rockhopper's ship?
Answer: The Migrator.
Question: What is the name of the big fish in Ice Fishing?
Answer: Mullet.
Question: How many coins does it cost you to by a player card background?
Answer: 60
Question: Which of these rooms doesn't have background music playing?
Answer: Pet Shop
Question: What day does the newspaper come out?
Answer: Friday.
Question: Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?
Answer: Beach.
Question: Which of these games has a shark in it?
Answer: Jet Pack Adventure.
Question: What item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of Bean Counters?
Answer: A flower pot.
Note: These questions may not always come in order.
Sweet! Now this will show up!
4. Click on 'Receive the Tour Guide Hat'
5. Click on 'yes' to add the Tour Guide Hat to your inventory!Now, you can read the awesome manual thats ESSENTIAL for all tour guides! Make sure you read it. Thats pretty much it. You're a tour guide now! Go and give some tours.
Tip: Click on 'W' while only wearing your tour guide hat to hold the sign up.
-Xoro999 and the Club Penguin Squad team! (Hindomik, NoomeeNoomee, Ampu10, iZaan5, Zakwaan1)
By Xoro999 at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Club Penguin's Avalanche Mission Sneak Peek?
Thats G's sled! I'm guessing this mission will include lots of high tech stuff (like the spy-phone) and that sled over there too! I can't wait for this mission. Lots of Club Penguin awesomeness huh?
-Xoro999 and the Club Penguin Squad.
By Xoro999 at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, mission cheats
Friday, July 6, 2007
How to find the 'rain drop' pin
Do you know how to find this? Go to the lounge and then click on it. Add it to your inventory and wear it! Now you have the raindrop pin!
-Xoro999 and the Club Penguin Squad
By Xoro999 at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, new club penguin pin
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Club Penguin Crab Attack!
Have you seen this? The glass is being broken by that crab! Oh no! The water is even coming inside the pool! What could happen next!? Is Club Penguin going to sink? I'm joking, by the way ;)
We want to know whats going on! Right!?
-Xoro999 and the Club Penguin Squad
By Xoro999 at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, club penguin secrets