Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Be a Club Penguin Squad Moderator!

So, most of you voted that you really want to be a moderator for our site! Thats awesome! Here are the rules that you HAVE to follow.

1. All Moderators must comment on every post.

2. Moderators will be selected MONTHLY.

3. There are 4 types of moderators for now. Xoro-Mod, Super-mod, Giant-mod and mod!

4. You will be giving rankings to your work.

5. Answer a penguin's question, remember to type (CPS MOD) next to your name when you answer a question.

"Xoro, how do I be a mod?"

Here is how you can be a mod. Comment on a post with your name, it can be with a tip, a question, anything. Just remember to leave (CPS MOD) next to your name, we'll select the mods this WEEKEND! So get ready!

-Xoro999, Club Penguin Squad Cheats President.


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