Last week, Club Penguin asked you about your favorite animals. Here is what Deception1 had to say:
My favorite animal of all time is a manatee. I love how they're so gentle, and they look so cuddly! Manatees are very sweet, and I would love to meet one! Manatees are nicknamed "sea-cows", because they are vegetarians, and eat lots of grass and sea-plants. In my dreams, I don't ride on backs of dolphins, I ride on magnificant manatees, decked out in gold and jewels!
Wow! Great choice! Manatees are awesome. For next week, Club Penguin wants to know more about your plans for Earth Day. By commenting with your review on Club Penguin's blog HERE you can win 10,000 coins for you Club Penguin account! How cool is that!?
What are you going to be doing on Earth Day?
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