Sunday, April 24, 2011

Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker 2011 (How To Find Rockhopper)

Do you want to meet Rockhopper on Club Penguin? Do you want his rare background? Do you want a meat sandwich? That last one was a joke ;-]

Then you've come to the right place! Welcome to Xoro999's Accurate Club Penguin Rockhopper tracker for 2011! Just use this tracker to find him easily. If you find him, leave a comment on this post and we'll give you credit! (Your comment will not be posted, read why on the left sidebar)

The Migrator (and Rockhopper) are not on Club Penguin Island! Rockhopper tracking will resume when he docks at the Beach in 2-4 months.

Xoro999's Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker is Offline!

Server: N / A
Room: N / A

Click here to Refresh the Tracker

"...What is a Rockhopper?"

Glad you asked. Rockhoppers are a type of penguin. In our case, Rockhopper is a friendly pirate who docks at Club Penguin in about every 3-4 months. He is extremely hard to find as he goes on a lot of servers. When you click on his player card, you will be able to acquire a special background! Its quite rare.

"..How do I know he is here?"

Club Penguin usually tells us before he comes, on the newspaper. So read the newspaper a lot! Or you can go to the beacon to check the telescope. Rockhopper's ship (The Migrator) appears on the horizon, headed to Club Penguin island.

Here are some tips from the Club Penguin Cheats Squad (Us):

1. Rockhopper changes servers every 10-15 minutes.
2. Go on populated servers.
3. Seek help from other penguins.
4. Keep checking the 'In room' list! Rockhopper's presence should indicate it like this:

**TIP** Rockhopper is always surrounded by many penguins! So look for crowds.

"...How do I know if its Rockhopper?"

Seriously? I'm sure that you'll know Rockhopper when you see him! Rockhopper is a Red penguin with a Black beard and a Black pirate's hat with golden lining! Here is a more detailed picture with his player card, like yours.

"...Can I add him as a buddy?"

Unfortunately, you can't add Rockhopper as your buddy :( But you can get his super rare background by clicking on the "BOX" icon on his player card! You can also talk to Rockhopper, he talks back! Listen to his awesome stories and poems! They're pretty cool!

Meeting Rockhopper is one of the coolest things that you can get to experience on Club Penguin. This tracker will ensure that you get to meet him before he leaves to Rockhopper island!

- Xoro999 and the Club Penguin Squad (NoomeeNoomee, Hindomik, Zakwaan1, Rockky123)


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